Aura Portrait

Aura Portrait
Every person has an aura, the space between the physical and spiritual body. Information about your life, karma, relationships and transformation resides here. Why is it important to understand this? When you de-code this info, you have the ability to release any stuck energies and move through your life more gracefully.
YOSH reads your energy in a structured format, following the 7 layers of the aura, relating to the chakras. Each section has a theme. Knowing which intersections might be tangled up is so helpful in trying to solve any issues or challenges you might be going through. Not everything has to be painful, by the way. The more you run your energy, the more radiant you become. It’s like having a car maintained properly. You want to be sure to hit those recommended tune-ups!
During these sessions, YOSH does not do anything invasive. These readings are observations, not recommendations or judgements. It’s like we’re watching a movie of you, the main character and looking at what’s working well or not.
These sessions are quite enlightening and fun. Annual or seasonal sessions are ideal or as needs arise. These are not intended to be weekly or monthly sessions. So much gets uncovered, that you need time to process and transform.
Private sessions for astral travel, karmic healings and guided meditations can be arranged - for individuals and groups.
For more info - go to the i/lab page.
You can also download this PDF for more details.